Our Story
Set on 50 acres in rural Minnesota, Valley Lake Boys Home is a residential facility where boys aged 12-18 learn skills and values to help them create a bright future.
In the mid-1970s, social services and law enforcement agencies in west central Minnesota recognized the need for a supportive space dedicated to assisting adolescent and teen boys facing behavioral, social and legal challenges. With community support and the generous donation of a house and 10 acres from a local farmer, Valley-Lake Boys Home was established in 1975 as a private, non-profit 501©3 residential treatment facility near Breckenridge, in Wilkin County, Minnesota.
Over the succeeding decades, there has been growth and change, including the construction of a 10-bedroom dorm in 1987, addition of a spacious kitchen, additional bedrooms and office space. Ultimately, the original farm house was replaced and a garage constructed to house a rec center and gym. Of the original homesite, only the rustic barn remains as a reminder of Valley-Lake’s origins and a tie to its history and continuing mission to help boys build better futures.
Today, Valley-Lake Boys Home provides 24-hour supervision and programming for boys aged 12 to 18 with behavior problems and delinquency issues. Residents are helped to learn to control their impulsive, sometimes aggressive, behaviors and to respect themselves and others. Residential stays range from as short as a weekend to months or years, depending on a resident’s individual needs and progress toward their goals.
Through individual counseling, group learning and recreational activities, community service and partnerships with the local educational and health systems, residents learn to accept responsibility for their actions and demonstrate that they are able to make positive life choices, and are treated with their traumatic experiences in mind.
As we approach a half century of service, Valley-Lake Boys Home is proud to have worked with more than 3,000 boys and teens.
The Valley-Lake Boy's Home is a member of AspireMN. A professional association of therapeutic providers, AspireMN is an association of resources of advocacy and a leading voice in maintaining and strengthening high quality care and treatment for for children, youth resources and advocacy for children, youth and families.